Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tip Facing Earthquake and Tsunami

1. The introduction of the earthquake - Identify what is called an earthquake, just look at the wiki. - Ensure that the structure and layout of your house can be protected from hazards caused by earthquakes (landslides, liquefaction, etc.) - Evaluate and re renovating your building structure to avoid the danger of earthquakes
2. Know the environment you work and live - Noting the location of doors, elevators and emergency stairs, when the earthquake happened, already know the safest place to shelter. - Learn to do P3K. - Learn to use the Fire Department - Noting the Important Telephone Numbers can be contacted in the event of an earthquake.
3.Routine preparation on where you work and live - Furniture (Cabinet, Cabinet, etc.) shall be attached to the wall (in spikes / tied etc.) to avoid falling, collapsing, shifts in the event of earthquake - Keep flammable materials at a place not easily broken, to avoid fires. - Always turn off water, gas and electricity what when not in use
4. The cause of the most wretched in earthquakes are caused by falling material - Set a heavy object as far as possible be at the bottom. - Check the stability of the dependent objects that may fall during earthquakes occur (eg, lights, etc.).
5. Tool that should exist in each place: - Box P3K - Flashlight / lamp Battery - Radio - Food Supplements and Water  

Earthquake Occurs When Using the 1. If you are in a building: - Do not panic, try to remain calm - Protect your head and body from the rubble (to hide under tables etc.). - Looking for the safest place of the ruins of the shock - Running out if it can still be done. 2. If you are outside a building or open area - Avoidance of buildings that are around you (such as buildings, power poles, trees, etc.). - Watch where you stand to avoid the event of ground cracks. 3. If you are driving a car - Exit, down and away from the car to avoid if there was a shift or a fire. - Perform point 2. 4. If you live or are at the beach, stay away from the coast to avoid the occurrence of Tsunami.  

Tips for Tsunami 1. If the residence or at the beach - Get to know the good places that can be used to save themselves from the brunt of the tsunami waves like hills, tall buildings, water towers, trees and other tall buildings. - Recognize the signs of either an impending tsunami. Is as follows: 1. Sea water receded abruptly. 2. Terciumnya smell of salt that stung suddenly. 3. The emergence of bubbles is very much water at the beach suddenly. 4. There was a loud explosion sound like a jet aircraft noise or aircraft supersonic explosion or the sound of falling bombs. 5. Seen a wave of thick black line runs across the horizon.

- If you see one or several of these signs, do the following: 1. If you were on a ship at sea, ships immediately spur you towards deeper waters 2. If you are at the beach or near the beach, immediately climbing high buildings or trees, the closest from where you are. Remember when we were to run from the pursuit of the tsunami wave was just less than 20 minutes.

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