Thursday, October 13, 2011

danger of snoring

Last year, the Hospital Pantai Indah Kapuk never held a seminar about the dangers of the seminar mendengkur.Dalam be explained in more detail the causes and consequences of snoring and indeed the hospital provides clinical sleep disorders and snoring. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) What is OSA? OSA is a breathing obstruction that occur during sleep. Breath sounds during sleep can be hard because the vibration of the soft palate and other soft tissues in the respiratory tract, where the vibrations of air turbulence caused by breathing due to blockage in part on the upper respiratory tract starting from the nasal cavity to the inside of the neck in the area of ​​the vocal cords. When there is vibration, muscle tone is decreased due to the condition of sleep will clog the airway and stop breathing. This situation is called OSA. At the airway is blocked, the brain immediately sends a signal to immediately get up to breathe. Patients with OSA will usually wake up to breathe and will soon fall asleep again without realizing that he was awake for a moment. Therefore, stopping breathing condition, the patient will feel as if choking, wake up with palpitations or sweating. This is what causes the sufferer to feel sleepy during the day, because while sleeping at night is not optimal. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea - Very megantuk all day / asleep at the time to do activities -Snoring and breathing stops during sleep than ten seconds - Channels breath narrow Causes of Sleep Apnea - At risk of cardiovascular disease. Respiratory disorders that occur at night creating a shortage of oxygen that can damage the brain, heart and stroke. - Obesity, Not getting enough sleep the body often require extra carbohydrate, so tend to eat more. Obesity is a risk factor for various diseases. - An accident. Due to lack of sleep cause drowsiness, difficulty concentrating and memory loss during the day, so the risk of accidents if the person operating the machine or vehicle. to avoid the dangers of sleep while driving are suggested to take a break every 2-5 hours. When symptoms of drowsiness was, immediately stop the vehicle, walk or take a nap. It would be difficult for drivers to recognize the symptoms themselves. If there are some people in the vehicle, make sure there is someone who accompanies the driver to take him speak and watching his consciousness. Urges drivers to rest or freshen up. Better achieve the goal more slowly than an accident. Anyone who is at risk of suffering from Sleep Apnea The risk is higher if a combination of the following factors: - Men - Seniors over 40 Years - Overweight - Having a large neck / thick, large tongue, large tonsils, chin folds inward, small throat, or have a family history of sleep apnea. Treatment - Patients with mild sleep apnea can be helped with weight loss, dental or tonsillectomy (if the cause is enlarged tonsils). - Treatment by using a tool called continious Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). It works by providing a flow of pressurized air through a nasal mask. This air flow to keep the airway open, so the incidence of apnea during sleep can be prevented. - The recommended side sleeping position for those who snore. Currently, snoring for many people in take for granted, often escaped the doctor's diagnosis because the information that is given is considered unimportant. Complaints of fatigue, sleepiness and sleeplessness leads us to how the pattern of life. The existence of stress and other health conditions that must be overcome in order to match the way could now be separated from a progressive metabolic disease. If you snore, and have the above symptoms, consult a good idea to Hospital that provides services and snoring sleep disorders clinic for consultation with your doctor.

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