Saturday, October 15, 2011

Top 5 Elite Forces International, Indonesia Ranked Third

Two weeks I have a little job in the Navy environment is very time-consuming and labor intensive. Of interaction with them, I am so tiny fraction of clear and understood the ups and downs become defenders of the homeland. Joy, of course if you're enjoying the days with the family or the entire outfit. Her grief is certain when it had to part with them and the ocean area to the outer limits of this vast archipelago. Can you imagine what it's like not to meet with loved ones for months, especially if for ever, either killed or taken prisoner while serving the enemy. Indeed, when the New Order era, their position could be a debate. In general, the Armed Forces before the Police split up into its own entity-have two roles at once, namely as a defense force and sospol. That is, besides keeping the defense and Homeland security area, they are also assigned to the post-state political office and became head of the region. Since the Reformation era, dual function of ABRI was gradually abolished, including the representation of their faction in the MPR. This time I did not want to talk about the above, but the achievements are quite proud to have special units of the Indonesian National Army. Hopefully this information can be a little longer gives us the spirit in the process of defending the country, another word for nationalism. From our conversations with their lightweight, soldiers were not to be outdone by civil society in terms of race or championship to show their abilities. For example the Marine Corps are still under the TNI-AL is a collection of tough soldier collection among other units. What foreign troops can not do, the soldiers, Marines with the spirit can cross the Sunda Strait swim for 12 hours without stopping in the middle of the swift currents and eddies of the deadly water. In the neighborhood of the Army, we have the Special Forces Command (Kopassus), which used to be very meritorious quell Movement 30 S PKI. At that time still called the Army Para Commando Regiment (Special Forces), which later changed its name to The Sandi Yudha Corps (Kopasandha). From the events that followed in the championship between the unity of the international elite, Special Forces can be proud of because it was ranked third of the world only to lose by UK special forces (SAS) and Israel (IDF). Capabilities include race diperlombakan martial arts, camouflage, weapons though, shooting, survival, swimming, and so on. The following are extracts more: 1) Special Air Service (SAS), England Uniform British SAS ( photos) Uniform British SAS ( photos) SAS is a special forces regiment within the British Army who had been a model for the special forces of other nations. SAS forms a significant part of the United Kingdom Special Forces Special Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), and the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG). Called his martial-Gon Ryu, a type of karate. Many alumni who became mentors and contributors television shows, such as Bear Grylls (Survival Expert, Discovery Chanel), Ross Kemp on BBC Knowledge, and so on. It is said that when he was training a guerrilla war, the rest of the dirt they were taken so that the enemy can not sniff out his trail. 2) Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel The Mossad helped the IDF (Hamossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim) is responsible for intelligence gathering and covert operations, including paramilitary activities. This is one of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community, along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security). The role and function the same as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). The director is directly responsible to the Prime Minister. Beladirinya called Krav Maga, relying on physical strength and paralyze the enemy of effective techniques and efficient. Palestinian youths often were subjected to exercise, how to then be appointed to the thigh bone back dihantamkan IDF soldiers or the Mossad until fracture. The motto used is, "Prevent the first attack, neutralize the opponent, make them look bad dreams will things they do." Complete Talmud by Rabbi soldier always accompanies his Israeli attacks on Palestine (photo Complete Talmud by Rabbi army was always accompany Israeli attacks on Palestine (photo 3) Special Forces Command (Kopassus), Indonesia Kopassus special forces Army is Indonesia. Often used to carry out special operations missions for the Indonesian government, both direct action such as: conventional warfare and sabotage, and counter-insurgency: counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering. Kopassus was founded on April 16, 1952. Beladirinya called White Pigeon. Kopassus alumni many of which became the world's peacekeeping forces. With the motto, "Courage, Right, Succeed" Kopassus has incised many achievements, including: Kopasus also won the first race Elite Forces sniper in the Asia Pacific meeting in December 2006 only by relying on Pindad-made weapons. SAS Australia is ranked second; Kopasus ranked runner-up of 35 participants in terms of success and the success of military operations (intelligence - the movement - infiltration - action) at a meeting of Elite Forces in Tactical, Deployment and Assault in Vienna Austria. Number only Delta Force USA; African countries north and west now have a reference to the formation and training techniques their elite forces. 80% of their coach Kopasus officers; Paspampres Cambodian troops are elite troops trained by Kopassus; In the Vietnam War, Vietcong soldiers imitate RPKAD strategy in war against the United States that resulted in the defeat of American troops who have persenjatan sophisticated and complete. The strategy used is the Guerrilla War. Since AH Nasution's book on Guerrilla War became a reference book on the USA West Point Military Academy. 4) Special Force Regiment (Spetsnaz), Russia Specnaz (Russian: Войска специального назначения, (спецназ, pronounced [sp ʲ ɪtsnas]) or voyska spetsialnogo naznacheniya; is a general term for "special forces" in Russian. Grenadiers Russian specifically refer to any elite or units of Spetsnaz under the Subordinated Federal Security Service (FSB) or Internal Troops Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the unit is controlled by the military intelligence service GRU. Beladirinya called Russian Sambo. 5) Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN), France French elite GIGN is for the purpose of counter-terrorism and hostage rescue. They are part of a military force called the Gendarmerie. Although its members military status, they also demanded the police carry out tasks outside the region. Thus the enhanced GIGN unit closer to the SWAT team rather than purely military units like the British SAS soldier. The operators are trained to follow rules and covers the negotiation and the police inquiry specialist. Beladirinya called Savate. Epilogue That's all I can summarize the present results from various sources, can be seen here or here. It is time this nation proud of its other assets that remain. Do not let valuable assets go one by one and leaving only the stupid people who will trouble the nation and country. When left caliber BJ Habibie figures and Sri Mulyani, we may live horse grinned, feigning regret or feel lost. Therefore it is natural if we take pride in gait Kopassus or other forces who genuinely deliver his life for homeland and nation. This country was not built by politicians rotten shameless.

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