Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bulletproof clothing (bullet proof vest)

Bulletproof clothing (bullet proof vest)
The principle has been developed since the early Middle Ages. Starting from the knight (knight) with his iron cloak, which can reduce a sword stab wounds or sores shooting arrows. Unfortunately with the development of firearms, the protection is useless. Bulletproof clothing (bullet proof vest) or clothes ballistics (ballistic vests). Shirt "Bulletproof" is divided into two, namely Soft and Hard Body Armor Body Armor. In the daily tasks or in undercover work (undercover) police / detective prefers a lightweight bullet-proof clothing. Soft body armor is now generally made of aramid fibers (aramid fibers). Aramid is the abbreviation of the word aromatic polyamide. Aramid has a structure strong, tough (tough), has good damping properties (vibration damping), resistant to acid (acid) and bases (leach) and in addition it can withstand heat up to 370 ° C, so it is not flammable. Because it is so, aramid is also used in the field of aircraft, tanks, and aerospace (rocket). Products are marketed known as Kevlar. Kevlar has a lighter weight, but 5 times stronger than steel. Fiber matting is commonly known in the market under the name Kevlar Working Principle Shirt Anti Bullets The principle works is to reduce as much kinetic energy burst of bullets, by using layers of kevlar to absorb it and break it down the rate of energy kepenampang broad clothes, so that energy is not enough anymore to make the bullets can penetrate clothing. The rate of energy absorbing bullets, armor (kevlar) that suppress deformed inward (shock wave), the pressure will be passed into this so that the user's body. Maximum limit of emphasis into no more than 4.4 inches (44 mm). If the limit is exceeded, then the user will experience a deep cut dress (internal organs injuries), which would endanger the safety of the soul. Analogues such as the ball's speed that can be retained by the net. Goal nets consist of a series of straps that are connected to each other. When the ball was caught by the net, then the rate of energy (kinetic) ball will be absorbed by the net, causing the rope around it grew longer (extend) and then the pressure (pull) the rope will be channeled to the goalposts. Assumption that the user can avoid bulletproof clothes completely from injury produced by fire is wrong. It should be stressed once again, that the main function of bullet proof clothing is just to stop a bullet. So that the bullet was not until the wearer's body into the clothes, which can cause death. Not infrequently the result of "pressure" had been inflicted bullet, clothes wearer will suffer contusions (blunt force trauma) until fracture. Hard Body Armor By adding a layer of soft body armor in particular, can be generated hard body armor. Generally, a layer made of ceramic (Al2O3 "Alumina"), sheet metal or composite. Forms a thick and heavy making it not a comfort, to the rarely worn in daily tasks. Only in special high-risk tasks, such as military operations or operations SWAT team will be charged. Clothes Ballistic Level Standard ballistic clothing is the most widely used standard NIJ (National Institute of Justice) American. Under this standard, ballistic clothing is divided into several levels (level), namely the level I, II-A, II, III-A, III, and IV. Level I is the lowest level, the clothes can only withstand bullet caliber (diameter) smaller. Other Material: Vectran Vectran is a liquid crystal polymer (liquid crystal polymer). Fiber has a strength of up to two times compared with kevlar. Yarn Spiders (Spider Silk) Spider thread protein molecules consist of long bonds. This thread does not only have the ability to withstand extreme loads, but also at the same time have a very high elastic properties, so that if withdrawn can elongate as much as 40%. Elastic properties are derived from small liquid droplets found in the thread, which if seen looks like a pearl necklace or a rosary. Each grain of this thread in it has a reserve, if any prey that had fallen into a spider web, the thread in grains will be automatically drawn out, so the net will not break. CNTs (Carbon Nanotubes) Discovered in 1991 by Professor Sumio Iijima of Japan. CNT is the arrangement of the elements carbon (C) which are so small "nano" (0.000 000 001) and shaped like a pipe (tube), whose walls are arranged like a honeycomb.

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