Saturday, October 8, 2011

There are many home security systems that can be applied to the dwelling. Because, as technology advances, the home also began to receive its own share of attention in terms of security systems. Some security systems can be applied in the shelter also started to vary. If it had not a few people who prefer to install locks or bars to deter thieves broke into the house, now a safety device has begun to shift with the tools of high-tech. Call it the camera or commonly called CCTV monitors and alarms home with a good range of motion sensors, vibration, smoke or fire. From the model was already more diverse and more stylis. It was certainly very related to the desires of the dwelling to the presence of a safety system that does not ruin the beauty estetikan occupancy.In fact, the trellis that initially only standard shaped like bars or square, later also began to be combined with a fine variety as a sweetener. Carving too can be tailored to the residential concept in question. Be it traditional, classical, europe, modern, minimalist, and so on. Although trellis design is growing, it still can not also satisfy the aesthetic beauty admirers occupancy. For, not a few who argue, would damage the beauty trellis presence residential interior or even the facade of the house. Thus, the presence of window film that had a strong grip when the glass finally broke new prima donna. That is reasonable because the presence of window film can provide the necessary security but still bring the beauty in a dwelling

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