Saturday, October 8, 2011

some tips on removing the scars on the body

To make a potion stain remover scar usual way is to soak the rice as much as half an ounce for 15 minutes, remove and then mashed together with a half ounce kencur. Having destroyed equally apply to the scar us every day for two weeks. Good luck to treat / remove nodal your wound. Method 1 Provide kapok leaves a few pieces, wash. Clean the wound area to imprint it with warm water and antiseptic soap. The trick rubbing cottonwood leaves imprint on the skin. My friend could do this way 2 times a day. Ato friend can also grind the leaves into powder and apply on the scars are. Stop using if skin feels itchy. Method 2 Provide chicken eggs and take the whites only. Add honey and stir until blended. Apply on the scars are on a regular basis. This herb can also be used to remove spots on face. Eat coconut which can make it white. In addition, ya have a good recipe. Use only charcoal miracle drug. With charcoal, the scar can be no trace. I've proved it. The trick, puree charcoal, then apply on your wound. For more information you can visit the blog that I have these links. Why can? That's because the charcoal absorbs all the substances that function around it. That way, the germs get into your wound to be absorbed and will not cause scars. Eliminating it is easy is not it? However, there is one other way that you can use. Some say that the tea bags that you take can remove the scars. But sources said the following, do not have mixed the sugar. Well, it's topical tea bag into your skin. Then, scrub-brush and do it routinely until the mark disappears. Well, you choose which way is up. It all works really. You also may re-appearance as before and can exist again. Those who have tried the above, do not forget to comment ya back here. Prove dong how to remove the scar is false or even misleading. Awaited komennya

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