Monday, October 10, 2011

toothache and herbal remedies

Dental cavities are not caused by worms such as the opinion of those in ancient times. 
This theory lasted until the 1700's to Willoughby Miller an American dentist who works at the University of Berlin found the cause of tooth decay. He found that cavities are caused by the encounter between the bacteria and sugar. Bacteria will convert sugar from food scraps into acids that cause tooth environment becomes acidic (environmental natural teeth should be alkaline) and acid is what ultimately makes a small hole in the tooth enamel. When a hole occurs in the tooth enamel, we have not felt a toothache. However, a small hole next to the email can be a gap remaining food and the bacteria will make a bigger hole perforating the dentin. At this time we will feel the pains of the teeth while eating. If allowed, the holes will reach the hole nerves so we will begin to experience a toothache. This process will not stop until the teeth eventually become depleted and only the remaining tooth root. In order not getting worse, so if you have cavities you should immediately visit your dentist to treat it. Although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of teeth, expensive worried, afraid or ashamed of being ridiculed because the teeth are broken, but go to the dentist is the best solution to cope with toothache. Cavities can not heal by itself. Although, perhaps after suffering from a toothache, the pain may disappear but do not improve the situation of teeth. Teeth will remain hollow, even the hole will keep getting bigg. 
Therapy to overcome natural toothache. 
Use Item 10 cloves roasted and then crushed up into powder, clove powder and then put into a hollow tooth and covered with cotton. White goods grown to taste until smooth then placed on the teeth a perforated. Use green chillies cut edges a little and then burned. Once hot, chili paste on the sore tooth. Use the leaves boiled with water flowers afternoon until the remaining 600 cc 300 cc, while warm then used to rinse out his mouth. sources here ala Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma Star fruit fruit starfruit wuluh5 washed, fed with a little salt, chewing holes in place of teeth. source here Ice block / stone Take a small piece of ice behind and put in between your forefinger and thumb. Massage gently in the part, well now you can feel the pain slowly began to eliminate? Massage uncomfortable by touching the ice blocks the nerve cells are located around the thumb and forefinger. Massage is done the ice directly to the central nerve blocks, so that 60-90% of pain you are feeling quickly dissipates. 
Minced garlic in the garlic (1 clove of garlic), then sprinkle a little salt. Chewing on the sore area and soon the pain in your teeth will slowly disappear. You can also use it as therapy to strengthen the bone structure of your teeth. Same way with onion Garlic. The content of enzymes in the onion can help to kill the evil germs in the mouth. Squeeze lemon juice lemon, Pulaskan on the sore tooth spoonful after spoonful every 10 minutes until the orange juice runs out. Beside rich in vitamin C, orange juice also acts as a pain reliever of your teeth. It's easy salt, sprinkle salt in a glass of warm mineral water. Stir and then use as a means of mouthwash. Gargle at least until you feel comfortable enough and not too tormented by pain tooth.

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