Saturday, October 15, 2011

Secrets Behind the Pieces CD

CD media is no longer strange stuff. Many people who often play around with CDs for various purposes. Some are making photographs in the studio and the picture is stored on the CD, there are songs that make the album and the result is stored in the CD, there are also making films and the results are also stored on CDs. Tool for recording CD price is more affordable. Not until a half million dollars we can buy a CD recorder, or better known as the CD Writer. CDs were much cheaper price than floppy disks. With a price of about 1500-2500 dollars we've got the magic plastic dish. TYPES disc Disc we meet the market, basically divided into 3 groups. Ie CD-ROM, CDR and CD-RW. Each of these CD type has its own characteristics. CD-ROM Stands for Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. CD-ROM disc is colored silver. The manufacturing process is by placing a sheet of plastic film that has been irradiated by a laser beam. The laser beam that will form a kind of pit (hole) of micro-sized - which is very small. The holes that will form the contents of a row of code data. Once a hole is created, it can not be closed again. Then a layer of plastic that will be wrapped again by liquid plastic that is useful as a protective and reflective. All of that process is done gradually in a molding machine. CD-ROM tool mold shaped like a cookie cutter analogy martabak making sweet and also very similar. More details see image below; it is no wonder if the given name of the ROM (Read Only Memory). Data in the CDROM can not be deleted so that the CD-ROM can not be erased or recorded on an ordinary CD Writer tool we have. The quality of the CD-ROM is determined by the third layer. Reflective layer must be able to reflect light emitted by a laser beam with perfect that the information in the data layer can be read properly. While the protective layer should be strong so that the data layer is not damaged by scratches or dirty. CD-ROM are generally more durable than the original CD-ROM pirated. Because the quality of the layers on the original CD-ROM is very strong and qualified under the manufacturer's quality can stsobatr disobatlkan. However, it was likely there is also a CD-ROM-quality pirated, but of course the price is not cheap.

CD-R Stands for Compact Disc - Recordable. CD-R discs are generally green, but there are some that are blue, red and black. The manufacturing process is similar to CD-ROM, that is by placing a sheet of plastic film. The difference is that the plastic sheet has not been irradiated by the laser. Then a layer of plastic that will be wrapped again by liquid plastic that is useful as a protective and reflective. Then when the plastic sheet that will be illuminated laser? The answer later on when we want to record it. That is why CD-R is also called the CD-Blank because it is still empty. Determine the quality CD-R is also equal to determine the quality of the CD-ROM. But there should be extra attention, namely because the recording process is done after CD printed and there are so many CD-Rs sold in the market, then the quality of the data sheets on the CD-R it should match with his CD Writer. It used a lot of cases, apart from the problem of Buffer Under-Run (run out of supply data), formerly CD Writer is able to recognize that the data layer as well. Buddy does not need to worry, today's CD Writer is able to recognize a variety of CD-R in the market. To be sure, my friend should read the manuals for information a list of CD-R the most optimal for CD Writer buddy. For my friend who still uses an old-fashioned CD Writer, please visit the manufacturer web site to update the firmware. The usefulness of this firmware update CD Writer to help identify the layers of data. Even in some particular CD Writer, with only a firmware update we can improve the speed record without having to buy a new CD Writer. Quite right. CD-RW Stands for Compact Disc - rewriteable. CD-RW discs are usually purple. The manufacturing process is similar to CD-ROM or CD-Rs by placing a sheet of plastic film. The difference is the plastic sheet that has the ability to open and close. As already explained that the data layer when illuminated by the laser will make the holes as a code. On the CD-RW data layer that can be the holes can be closed again if needed. That is why we can record and erase CD-RW media is our heart's content. CD-RW not carelessly can be read on a CD Player or VCD player. To be able to read CD-RW takes power laser beam is stronger than usual. Therefore make sure that the CD player or VCD player supports CD-RW pal. CAPACITY CD The capacity of a CD can be classified into 2 physical form. First a small disc of diameter 8 cm, and a second disc with a diameter of 12 cm normal. Small 8 cm CD capacity, capable of storing up to 21 minutes or the equivalent of 184.57 MB. The question is, how to know 21 minutes each with 184.57 MB? That is what will be discussed here. CD recognize two kinds of modes, namely Mode 1 and Mode 2/XA. In Mode 1, the CD will be formed with a size of 2048 bytes per block. The number of blocks depending on the size of a CD. For the 8 cm CD has a 94 500 block. So if we multiply 2048 by 94 500 193 536 000 Bytes same result. Change the number bytes into megabytes (MB). Since 1 MB equal to 1,048,576 Bytes, then the result is 184, 57 MB. In order to more easily understand it, see the table below; The question arises, why the number of blocks each different mode? The reason for Mode 1 is used to store data. While Mode 2/XA used specifically to create CD-Audio or VCD. There are fundamental differences between the data with video / audio, which is the data used as a benchmark is the capacity in units of MB. But in the video / audio benchmarks used are based on seconds. These differences in the capacity of many tricks used by some people to do the overburn technique. By overburn we can store more data than usual, this technique is not recommended for beginners because it may cause damage to the CD-Writer drive if done asalasalan. Regardless of all that, MPEG-1 files sized up to 780 MB can be stored well if you put them into VCD, not as ordinary data files. Moreover, by making a VCD, you can watch not only in PCs but also on a VCD player.

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