Saturday, October 15, 2011

The occurrence of Lightning Process

Electricity is one form of energy. Many of the electrical events occurring throughout nature, among them the lightning / thunder. Lightning / Lightning is a high voltage electrical sparks that occur in Earth's atmosphere is actually a release of electrical energy. Lightning usually occurs when a rain storm accompanied by thunder and sometimes in snowstorms, dust storms, volcanic eruptions, as well as on nuclear explosions. Lightning storms occur when rain comes from the electric charge arising out of the air flow inside the cloud. Each difference in the accumulation of electric charge generating flashes of lightning in a cloud, between clouds with each other or between clouds with the earth. Lightning usually occurs at an altitude of about 10 km and caused five to ten flashes in a minute, but most are not visible because it occurs within the cloud. Sometimes lightning reaches the earth and can cause fires, injuries or cause death to humans. One of the properties of electric charge is a mutual attraction between positive and negative charges. This property is used appliance lightning rod to attract lightning and the lightning channel it to the ground before the building was seized. There are several kinds of tools commonly used lightning rod, namely: a. Franklin Rod This tool is a copper cone with the protection of an imaginary cone with apex angle 112O. In order for large protected areas, Franklin rod mounted on a steel pipe (with a height of 1-3 meters). The further from the Franklin rod weaker protection in areas such protection. Franklin rod can be seen form the pillars on the rooftops of buildings. b. Faraday Cage To overcome the weakness of Franklin Rod because of the unprotected areas and protection areas when the distance of the further weakening of the Franklin Rod system was then made Faraday Cage. Faraday Cage have systems and properties such as Franklin Rod, but installation on the entire surface of the roof to the height of the lower pole. 
c. Corona Ionization These systems are attractive lightning to grab the head by emitting ions into the air. Ion density even greater when the distance to his head closer. Ion emission can use an electric generator or battery backup (generated ionization) or natural (natural ionization). Area protection system is a ball with a radius of approximately 120 meters and reaches this radius will shrink in line with age. This system can be recognized from his head surrounded by three different voltage generator blades and mounted on high poles. d. Radioactive Although lightning is the best towing system, but its use was banned because it emits radiation can impair human health. Additionally this system will decrease the security radius with time according to the nature of radioactivity. Lightning is drawn then channeled into the ground. Various kinds of conductors that can be used to drain the energy of lightning to the ground as well as its main characteristic is a steel frame (prone to drop out / failed connection caused by lightning leaps and the presence of induced currents around the lightning current), bare copper (no induced currents around the lightning current ), and coaxial cable (the induced current in the cable were locked) As for grounding terminal, can be a copper rod, copper plate or copper cone, the more surface area and the lower terminal ground resistance, the better the system pentanahannya.

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