Saturday, October 15, 2011

Efficacy of chicken egg

Eggs are nutritious and easily available at affordable prices. Eggs contain protein, vitamins and minerals high. You worried about fat content? Do not worry, the egg contains very little saturated fat. Therefore, if you want fast food, eggs can be your choice. Here are some benefits that you can get by consuming eggs. Eggs are best and cheapest source of protein. However, there are still many who need to know about eggs. The most popular foods, including eggs, it seems no one does not know this protein-rich foods. Function Kampung Chicken Eggs For Health Can cure coronary heart disease, diabetes, ulcers or colon. In addition to containing energy sources also contain adequate source of protein. The energy used to replace the energy used while the protein activity and thinking is required to replace the damaged organs. Has a cholesterol content (the yolk) is quite high. For those who have hypertension or hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol content in blood is high) should be the heart - the heart regulate their consumption. Helps overcome fatigue and exhaustion of the body, but can not be overcome entirely because the body still needs time to rest his body organs.

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