Saturday, October 15, 2011

Culinary Tourism in the District of Purwakarta

In the district of Purwakarta many available places to eat a wide range. From the name Padang restaurant, warm Yogya, konro soup, noodles shake, meatball Solo, satay madura, and so on, until the food is really typical Purwakarta. This is the typical food of which Purwakarta: 1. Sate Maranggi altPada first was the famous satay maranggi Maranggi Udeng Mang who sold in District Plered, precisely around the terminal Plered. Then developed the places selling satay other maranggi ranging from Wanayasa area, Bojong to Bungursari. Sate maranggi usually made of goat meat or beef. The flavor that distinguishes satay with satay maranggi other is made of soy sauce marinade that has a blend of sweet taste, sour, and when the tongue touches pedasyang enjoy this distinctive spicy satay. Paired taste the tempting taste comes as satay seasoning maranggi made of soy sauce, green chili sauce lahang plus a little vinegar (vinegar is made from sugar cane). When serving, seasoning sauce that comes with sliced ​​red onions and fresh tomatoes. Usually maranggi sate served with grilled sticky rice or rice lead. Eating house or place of sale are quite famous satay maranggi today is Sate maranggi H. Oking at Wanayasa, Maranggi Cihuni Sate, Sate Haji maranggi Rasta in Cibungur, satay maranggi Anwar in Pondoksalam, satay maranggi H. Nadi in Cibogo District Plered and Saung marangi on Jl. Captain Halim. In each place there is little difference in taste and presentation, but it was definitely all have predicates ma'nyus ... ... .... Lazisss. 2. Fried Chicken and Sambel Sajolna If you Basuki Rahmat along the road not far from the bridge Cikao, exactly 157 Jl Lt. Gen. Basuki Rahmat Purwakarta existing restaurant with the name 'Sajolna'. The diner was started only a small diner. But slowly, as many who liked impromptu sauce and fried chicken is tasty and delicious, eating house eating house eating has grown to be large enough. Fried chicken is served has a distinctive taste, there are sweet taste tasty with chicken is very tender. Combined with a spicy flavor sauce hejo fresh, guaranteed visitors will be addicted to coming back to this restaurant. Another menu is fried carp, lalab vegetables raw or already boiled, fried impositions, Karedok and other Sundanese traditional foods. 3. Restaurant Ciganea altPada Ciganea first restaurant is a restaurant where istiratahat inter-provincial bus trip, the Jakarta-Bandung route or vice versa. But after bebarapa years ago, especially after Cipularang operated toll road, the restaurant is no longer a place to rest inter-provincial buses. The crowd is upper middle class who are citizens or from outside Purwakarta Purwakarta. The location of this restaurant is quite strategic, that is precisely the direction of the exit Jatiluhur Cipularang highway. Therefore many of the visitors of this restaurant, which deliberately stopped to eat, on his way to Bandung or Jakarta via toll road Cipulrang. This restaurant serves typical Sundanese cuisine. There are fried fish, fried chicken, fat, vegetable sambal belacan dintambah acid and so on. 4. The diner 'Soto Sadang' The diner is called Soto Sadang, because that location was originally located in Sadang Purwakarta. Precisely at the intersection of the highway to Jakarta by train tracks. But since the construction of flyovers, the restaurant was moved to the town of Purwakarta, on Jalan Veteran. 5. Other Restaurants · The restaurant 'sauce hejo' has a characteristic that is the green chili sauce and chili gendot fairly spicy. Also fried cakes shaped like a very tasty meatballs and crisp taste. Also available is very delicious oxtail soup. Exact location of this restaurant adjoining the restaurant Ciganea. Visitors are welcome to choose about where to eat. But clearly the second house, which has a flavor the dish unforgettable. · Ms. Haji Ciganea diner. The hallmark of this restaurant is a tasty fried carp and goldfish fried because fried crispy little dry. In addition to fried fish, in house dining menu is also available other Sundanese cuisine typical salad-lalapannya follows. Like fried chicken village, obese, corn cakes, or shrimp, long beans or pencok pencok leunca extra spicy. Not to forget, in the opinion of many visitors, a special in Ciganea, of course boiled lalabnya mature. Fans of cassava leaves, papaya leaves and boiled waluh, will be pampered in this place. The location of this restaurant can be found on Jalan Veteran Purwakarta or the Road Scout who became Bandung-Purwakarta pathway not through toll lanes Cipularang. · The restaurant 'mother Haji Ani' location in the lane Ir. Haji Juanda or path toward Jatiluhur Dam. The main dish menu of this restaurant is a variety of different Pepes. There are goldfish Pepes, Pepes anchovies, offal Pepes, Pepes chicken and so on. Anyway, the desire will all sorts of visitors Pepes, can be found at this restaurant. · The restaurant 'Pak Yadi'. This restaurant is famous for the delicious grilled fish betutu extraordinary. Fish that looks like a fish betutu brooms in large size, has its own uniqueness. This fish lives in the lake Jatiluhur, not bred. Arrested by dipanjcing or captured. This fish can survive on land for eight hours without being given a bit of water. Batutu excess of grilled fish is meat that thick, soft, tasty and has a high protein content. In addition Betutu grilled fish, grilled fish is also available from various kinds. There was even a roasted chicken (commonly called 'bakakak'). The diner is located right on the shores of Lake Jatiluhur, precisely in the tourist area Jatiluhur. *) Sebenaranya still many places to eat a delicious and distinctive in Purwakarta, but due to the limited time coverage, the article would we fit in other occasions Typical snacks Various Have not been to complete it if Purwakarta home without bringing a gift. Typical foods are often used as a souvenir is Simping. These snacks circular flat, mostly white and very crisp. Its main ingredient is made from a mixture of tapioca flour and formed dough, then baked with a special tool. Production centers in the area The Purwakarta, not far from Purwakarta County Government Center. Simping available with different flavors, there is a sense of pandanus, jackfruit, chilli, onion, shrimp, cheese, kencur, bananas and milk. In addition to cakes simping, there are also other unique confectionery, namely Tape sill (Sundanese: Peuyeum sill). Tape sill is made from cassava feedstock, given the yeast and fermented for one night. Peuyeum sill is different from the tape in general, larger ones and sold by hanging. Landscape Peuyeum sill can be seen when passing from Cikampek then along Highway Bungursari, on both sides of the road will be seen that the food stalls that sell Peuyeum sill. Similarly, if down the highway in the area of ​​Bandung District Darangdan Towards Purwakarta, at about the right way too many food stalls found that sell Peuyeum sill. This type of tape is much dipruduksi in daerag Sukatani Village and Village Cibodas. Another typical snacks Cikeris palm sugar, candied nutmeg, green tea, colenak, and opaque. Not to forget there are also in Purwakarta Mangosteen fruit with the taste of mangosteen different from other areas. Mangosteen fruit is exported out of the country, as famous for its taste is sweet and fresh ..

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