Sunday, October 2, 2011

Router functions

The router serves as the primary liaison between two or more networks to carry data from one network to another. The difference with the switch is a switch that is connecting several devices to form a Local Area Network (LAN). Routers use a lot in technology-based network protocol TCP / IP, and the router type is referred to as an IP Router. In addition to the IP router, there is another AppleTalk router, and still there are several other types of routers. The Internet is a prime example of a network that has a lot of IP routers. The router can also be used to connect many small networks into a larger network, called the internetwork, or to divide a large network into several subnetworks to improve performance and simplify management. Routers are sometimes also used to mengoneksikan two networks that use different media (such as wireless routers in general than he can connect a computer with a radio, it also supports connecting computers with UTP cable), or different network architectures, such as from Ethernet to Token Ring. router types In general, a router is divided into two types, namely: • static router (router static): is a router that has a static routing table in the settings manually by network administrators. • dynamic router (router dynamically): is a router that has a routing table and create a dynamic, by listening to network traffic and also to interact with other routers. Bridge versus Router How it works similar to a bridged network routers, ie, they can forward the data packet network and can also divide the network into multiple segments or network segments together. However, the router runs in the third layer of the OSI model (network layer), and use the addressing scheme used on that layer, like IP addresses. Meanwhile, the bridge network is running in the second layer of the OSI model (data link layer), and use the addressing scheme used on that layer, the MAC address. Then, when the use of a network bridge done and when the use of a router do? Bridge, should be used to connect network segments that run the same network protocol (for example: IP-based network segment with other segments of the IP network). In addition, the bridge can also be used when inside there network protocols that you can not do routing, such as NetBEUI. Meanwhile, the router should be used to connect network segments that run berebeda network protocol (as well as to connect the IP network segments with IPX network segment.) Generally, the router is more intelligent than the bridged network and can increase network bandwidth, since the router do not forward broadcasts to targeted tissues. And, the use of routers is most often done when we want to connect our network to the internet.

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