Tuesday, October 11, 2011

meteor showers

Meteor shower is expected to occur on October 8, 2011, the meteors are born from the Draco star map, because it was named Draconids. Some scientists estimate that the meteor shower will disrupt spacecraft and satellites, but if it is seen that there are more sophisticated design, a small disturbance will result. Opinion of NASA officials, William Cooke, electrical damage caused by the meteor shower is expected to nil. October 8, 2011, according to Thomas Djamaluddin meteor showers can not be seen from Indonesia, especially in conjunction with the full moon. The increase in activity will be seen in Europe, North Africa, and South and East Asia. With ideal conditions, 30 to 60 very fast meteors can be seen every day, "said Joe Rao, Space.com columnist sky watchers on Thursday (05/05/2011). According to him, this year is the observation of meteor showers Eta Aquarid perfect because there is no moonlight interference was entering a new phase of the moon. Eta Aquarid meteor showers can be observed near the constellation Aquarius. Burning meteors will appear radially from the top of the constellation. To observers in Indonesia, the constellation Aquarius on Saturday (05/07/2011) will be issued starting at 2:00 in the morning right in the east and will continue to move upward until the apparent sunrise. Waiting for a meteor appears likely require full concentration while relaxing. However, the experience of seeing a meteor flashed just going to surprise. And, do not worry, after waiting for the meteors passing by, you can also watch the scenery is no less interesting. Starting at around 04.00, six planets will line up in the east. Each of the bottom of Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Computer predictions concluded that several hundred metor every hour can be seen from the earth on October 8 next year. "He said. "We had absolutely no idea what happened. Now we have a better feeling," he told space.com. "We have started working with other NASA programs to address the risk of the space fleet. I imagine when the news spread out that there will be bursts draconid, I would get calls from companies and government space program. "If you was hit by a meteor sporadic, then it is the will of God. If you are hit by meteoroids raining, then it is an omission. " He added: "Even if Draconids a meteor storm at full strength I will be sure that the space station will take appropriate steps to mitigate the risks. Her warning was first expressed in a meteoroid conference last month in Colorado. The warning came after a warning NASA satellites are also at risk of sun firestorm, which will occur in 2013.

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