Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Disease Whooping Cough or Pertussis

Whooping cough illness or also known as "pertussis" or in English Whooping Cough is a contagious disease. In the world happens around 30 to 50 million cases per year, and causes death in 300,000 cases (data from WHO). Whooping cough or pertussis disease usually occurs in children aged under 1 year. 90 percent of these cases occur in developing countries, the disease is usually caused by the bacterium Bordetella but is not infrequently caused by B. parapertussis Incubation period The time from exposure to visible signs of disease 3 to 12 days. Symptom Whooping cough or pertussis disease usually begins with mild respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and nasal fluid out continuously (on the catarrhal stage) and then after 1 week to 2 weeks followed by a cough but who constantly followed by a period where there is a pause cough (paroxysmal stage) . This cough may be followed by the vomiting, it is because who suffered nausea, and in young children where the physiological reflexes who have not formed completely it will cause vomiting, it is not infrequently leads to malnutrition. Cough can be the trigger by yawning, laughing or yelling, and will be reduced after 1 to 2 months. Complications can follow this state who is pneumonia, encephalitis, pulmonary hypertension, and who follow the bacterial infection. Transmission Whooping cough or pertussis disease is spread through droplets from coughing patients who are affected and then inhaled by healthy people who have no immunity, antibiotics can be given to reduce the occurrence of bacterial infection and reduce the likelihood of adhering to memberatnya disease (until the catarrhal stage) after catarrhal stage still be given antibiotics to reduce the spread of the disease, antibiotics are also given to people who contact with patients, with delivery expected this will reduce the occurrence of such infections in healthy people. Treatment If the disease Pertussis Whooping Cough or severe, patients are usually hospitalized. They are placed in a quiet room and not too bright. The noise could stimulate coughing. Can be suctioned from the throat. In severe cases, oxygen is administered directly into the lungs through a tube inserted into the trachea. To replace fluids lost through vomiting and because the baby is usually unable to eat due to cough, then given fluids through an IV. Good nutrition is very important, and should be given food in small portions but frequently. To eradicate the bacteria, antibiotics are usually given eritromycin.

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