Thursday, October 6, 2011

Is Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease

The heart is a muscular organ, cone-shaped, hollow and with its base above and below the peak. Its apex (top) tilted to the left. Heart weight approximately 300 grams. In order for the heart to function as an efficient pumping, heart muscles, the cavity top and bottom of the cavity must alternately contract. The rate of heartbeat or pulse-pumping action is controlled naturally by a "regulatory rhythm". Heart Disease many kinds, but which will be discussed here is Coronary Heart disease is ranked first as a killer in Indonesia and requested medical expenses are very expensive. Is Coronary Heart disease is it? Coronary heart disease is narrowing / blockage (arteriosclerosis) coronary arteries caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) are more and more and accumulate beneath the innermost layer (endothelium) of the artery wall. Blockage of this artery could be in for two parts, namely: 1. Stuffy TOTAL The sufferer can be collapsed and was unconscious, and often occurs sipenderita will instantly die. 2. Stuffy PARTIALLY At this early stage, perhaps the patient can breathe normally and the blood flow to the heart muscle is still pretty. However, when he undertook an exhausting activities such as exercise or scold someone else, the narrowed coronary arteries can not supply enough blood to the heart muscles. And if the brain can not supply the blood, usually the patient will have a stroke. Taukan stroke?  

Who are susceptible to this disease? 
This disease was once commonly called the disease of old, Because it was just an old orang2 alone who was 50 the annual susceptible to this disease. But now there is a tendency also suffered by patients under the age of 40 years. This could occur because of lifestyle changes, especially in modern urban young people. What is the cause of this disease? 1. Smoking too much over the years 2. consume fast food / junk food containing high levels of saturated fat. 3. High blood pressure 4. diabetes 5. lack of exercise 6. Stress. Alcohol 7. Drugs. Medicinal Plants / Herbs that prevent heart disease 1. Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum) Function: anticoagulant, dilute blood clot, blood circulation and cleanse toxins. The part used is the leaves and tubers. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams 60-10 grams of fresh leaves and tubers. 2. Noni (Morinda citrifolia) Function: Lowering high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. Dosage: 2-3 ripe fruit 3. Garlic (Allium sativum) Function: Smooth circulation of blood, anticoagulant, lowers blood cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels, lowering high blood pressure and increase immune system. 4. Onions (Allium cepa) Function: anticoagulant, lowering blood fat levels, lowering blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure. 5. Ear black fungus (Auricularia auricula) Function: Preventing stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessels. 6. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica) Function: Prevents constriction of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure. 7. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Function: Prevents atherosclerosis, prevent high blood cholesterol, reduce nervous tension. 8. Banana Function: Preventing stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessels. 9. Roses (Rosa chinensis) Function: Smooth blood circulation, neutralize toxins. Dosage: 3-10 g dried flower 10. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.) Function: Anticoagulants, lowers blood pressure. Dosage: 10-15 g of flowers Reviews of Fish as a source of Omega-3 Fats Omega-3 fats can be obtained from fish (ocean fish is better), or from food supplements. Omega-3 fats are far more useful (read: effective) than the herb. Food Supplements The total recommended dose is 800 mg - 1000 mg / day.

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