Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Enable Secret Sixth Sense!

How to Enable Secret Sixth Sense!
Actually senses to 6 or in a language jock called "The Sixth Sense", is a person's ability to capture the signals or the supernatural things that happen yet. These signals can be anything, could be DI, whisper unseen, sight, or even a sign in a dream. The sixth sense is often in identikkan with the ability to see spirits, when in fact the function of the senses to 6 itself far beyond just seeing a ghost. Because the ability to see spirits just a part / ramification of the six faculties themselves. Such as intuition, but much more sharply. If intuition is a result of experience, the senses to 6 does not recognize the existence of experience. Sense Tips to 6, in truth was hidden from human ability. Because in fact we can utilize these faculties to 6 if only we all know how. In spite of it all, senses the 6 weird also because it can be to be developed and owned by anyone. Because now has so many unique method that was developed so that one can master the senses to 6 itself. Senses to 6 can appear / get up when someone is always able to cultivate the mind, soul, body, flavor and also karsanya. It can be traveled by way of meditation / meditation / contemplation. All the ways it can be learned, that the need is perseverance and the willingness and sincerity of course in the run with the intention lillahi ta'ala. With these methods, there will be a "springboard sensory function", ie of the five senses to the senses to 6. This could be a stepping senses can be compared to those of sleep, because nobody is with full consciousness, that he had fallen asleep. Limits of consciousness is very thin at all. Cultural differences between East and West makes the emergence of differences in perceptions of the senses to 6. Western culture that emphasizes things that are rational sense to argue that 6 is more categorized as a capability which is one of the branching of the human subconscious mind power that has not been much in the dig. While the eastern cultures, cultures that are not familiar with things that are Irrational or unseen, making this sixth sense to get the position of "special" in a person. It is a remarkable karomah that have only by certain people. For sedulur-sedulur all who might want to enable faculties to 6 perfectly, here I lay out some tips on the activation of the senses to 6. 1. Drinking water tattoo or capsule that has been in the transfer of positive energy. * The positive side: it can help activate the Ajna chakra (3rd eye chakra) and several organs that play a role in the six senses. * The negative side: this way is not actually open the Ajna chakra, but it tore the channel between the Ajna chakra and throat chakra. This is not necessarily going to make someone to be able to see something that is ghoib though, as it will cause one to hallucinate, so it is not necessarily what he sees is ghoib, but only a hallucination and a mere imagination. 2. Swallowing eyeball owl or crow. * The positive side: it can help activate the Ajna chakra (3rd eye chakra) and several organs that play a role in the six senses. * The negative side: this way is not actually open the Ajna chakra, but it tore the channel between the Ajna chakra and throat chakra. This is not necessarily going to make someone to be able to see something that is ghoib though, as it will cause one to hallucinate, so it is not necessarily what he sees is ghoib, but only a hallucination and a mere imagination. 3. Ajna chakra opening meditation * The positive side: This method is relatively safer than the way 1 and 2, but must remain under the supervision of experts. * The negative side: penempuhan time to achieve results that are relatively (depending on the talent and sincerity pengamalnya). 4. Be raised by a competent person (eg, spiritual teacher) * The positive side: the result that was obtained instant, and can be used directly. * The negative side: sometimes the cost is at stake for the activation of the six senses is fairly crazy. The fact that the more expensive "dowry" that in asking, it is safer for users. 5. And there are still other ways that have not tersebutkan above. Focuses on point number 5, then I will give the way that I got from a friend of mine, this method is very suitable for njenengan-njenengan more pleased with the flow of wisdom. Each completed and Maghrib prayers at night, read a letter Al-Fatiha, Al-souled, Al-Falaq, An-Hoodoo, Section Chairs and the practice continued by reading this: "Although anna qur'anan suyyirat bihil jibalu khuti'at bihil ardhu au au kullima, bihil mauta lillahil Amr jami'a bales. Haula wala la illa quwwata billahil 'aliyyil' adziim" The most important thing and the hardest part in doing this practice is that all reading (Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Hoodoo, Section Chairs, and also practice "even though anna qur'anan .... Etc.) should be read in Pull ONE BREATH AND IMPRISONMENT. It would be better if it begins with regular fasting (fasting month of Ramadan) for 3 days prior to practice on. And keep in mind that during the absorption of this science, the sedulur banned for: * Commit adultery, * Viewing, reading, or making something that is causing lust / desire, * Drinking alcohol, * And all forms of violations of religious rules. If you want to see something that is unseen at the start by reading all the above passage and then Allah's reading "Ya Allah Ya khobir". Most of those who successfully practice the unseen sciences are those which when read wird, lost their dhikr in silence. Whether in conscious or not, all the organs of the body, mind, body and soul become more calm settles into the flavor. And that's when something happens which is called as a "springboard sensory function". So it was not they who have completed the reading wird several thousand times, that will be successful. But once again, they could precipitate the mind, body and soul into their dhikr sejatilah silence that will be managed to control various unseen.

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