Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Red Nasi Ayam Bakar Punclut

Want Nasi Ayam Bakar Red plus warm at high altitudes with a cool atmosphere and beautiful natural pemanadangan? You can see the city of Bandung from the top in this place you know .. and about the price, guaranteed affordable! " "Saung Punclut Sangkan Hurip Mr. & Mrs. Diah idas" is one of my favorite places and friends, because the place is cool and cool with beautiful natural scenery, food nampol, and that is not less important is the price is relatively affordable. Last night, the story is no longer a friend who's birthday .. according to tradition, the anniversary should be celebrated with meals .. Having arrived, we ordered our favorite menu: Nasi Ayam Bakar Red. In addition we ordered the potato cakes plus pepes innards (there are actually many options), and for this time we ordered drinks bajigur. While waiting for orders to come, we look at Bandung from the top, too bad because the weather was slightly rainy evening the beautiful city of Bandung little fog blocked. The atmosphere was fairly quiet, probably because "already ujan then, no motorcycles, muddy again", usually when a more vibrant and more people are eating at this place, especially the students and sophomores .. because it pretty close to campus UNPAR Bandung. After waiting several minutes, orders still come complete with a puff of smoke. Well .. Now we are talking about a sense .. hmmm .. grilled chicken flavor .. nyus mak .. kecapnya pervasive enough to sway the tongue making her chicken meat:) is the most kick sauces .. steady! Shhh definitely .. hah .. Finally, about the price, only Rp. 75-thousand, four of us so each of about Rp. 18-thousands. Full stomach, cool, eye fresh, cheap, and drunk on sauce:) A variety of snacks and souvenirs are offered by the merchants. All food in the area Punclut complete. Then to eat not to worry, because along the way there are stalls serving typical rice complete with lalab Sunda and sauces. From the top Punclut, the city of Bandung will be visible from a distance. An interesting sights and reluctant to leave Punclut. Moreover, hundreds of people who enliven the atmosphere punclut the main attraction. Address "Saung Punclut Sangkan Hurip" is on Jl. Ciumbuleuit Punclut Bandung, if from the "bottom" Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (better known as Dago) turn left (before the intersection beloknya Dago) and turn right onto the ramp Siliwangi then left and straight until the T-junction turn right onto Jl. Ciumbuleuit (if the day may not turn right, should be going around first to Jl. Cihampelas who want to turn right but do not Setia Budhi diterusin to Setia Budhi, turn right again to Jl. Ciumbuleuit), dizziness nah ya ... klo dah di Jl. Will there continue aja Ciumbuleuit roundabout turn left, then veered slightly to the right and turn right again into Punclut .. continue aja .. somewhat damaged road and ride (nanjak) .. must be met. O yes, "Saung Punclut Sangkan Hurip" has also been entered Culinary dah pak Trans Bondan in it you know ..

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