Thursday, October 6, 2011

Migration: Multiboot Windows XP and GNU / Linux

Let us understand it 10 steps to eliminate suffering subtle you learn linux. Hopefully Linux Study Guide, 10 easy and smooth move to Linux can help you .. 
1. Use Linux-like Windows default view. If regular use of windows with all the ease and flavor you familiar with how it looks, would be very difficult to move to another viewing area and foreign. Therefore, a lot of options that Linux has an interface or a view similar to Windows XP. If you are really user set in Windows, use Linux with KDE or Xfce display settings. 
2. Software2 Familiarlah with Linux on Windows before you actually switch to Linux. Get used to using Firefox when playing internet, use Open Office for your office applications other than MS. Office, or replace your Outlook with Evolution. 
3. Select the appropriate Linux distro. Beginners do not choose Slackware Linux. Can-can you commit suicide, Select Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS, Mepis, Linux Mint or Mandriva. 
4. Oprek obrak apart and Linux. Do a trial and error, try and try, satisfy curiosity and your curiosity, do not be afraid berekspreimenlah with linuk. To be able to experiment freely without fear of risk, if your CPU is idle, certainly not a problem, but if not there is idle CPU, you can install Virtual Machine, a kind of software that allows you to have a virtual CPU in your Windows system, then in vistual machine, you can install dozens of other systems including Windows XP, without fear of your Windows system error. 
5. Eliminate Administrativ menu. Ask the IT support / Linux penginstall you to eliminate the Administrative menu. Administrative menu like Samba, Network, SELinux, user administration, and so will membingunkan novice users. If you terbiada using the control panel in Windows, then the pains you can use Gnome Control Panel that has the look not much different from the Control Panel wondows version. 
6. Adopt a Adept, install, installing, loading and install software / program is unusual for you, it's known now, almost all the tasks and entertainment needs of a variety of tools available to diisntall, of a time you Bosa, you will ga ti with the others, Updates and so on. In Linux it is actually more fun, so do not think is difficult to do the unloading install software in Linux. Adept has a user-friendly interface, especially on Linux Ubuntu, install it so easy. 
7. Print guide Linux. Read the guide written on paper more easily when learning the computer, rather than relying on the help file, of any kind. Having a linux book also helps. If you are proficient Classic, Linux print file guides are available, one day if you're relaxed without the monitor screen in front of your eyes, you can read-read print out of it, itung-itung review study. 
8. Video Tutorial Linux. Learning with the help of video tutorials are very helpful. If possible, ask your IT Support video capture make a kind of specific measures such as mouse over the directory of our document files. If you are a otodidakers, look for the videos tutorials Linux virtual universe bertebarandi Internet. If you are an IT Support Linux Systems, a new user of Linux that will open a document file, they would navigate to your Home directory, then directing them to open: / home / USERNAME / Documents will confuse them, if the steps that will your first show you capture the video mode, future new users that confusion would not commute longer bother you. 
9. Forums and Mailing List Linux. If you are a Linux expert and require prospective users of the system you get the convenience, the Linux forums, mailing lists and manage your linux you must develop and encourage new users of Linux that you join. For those of you new linux users, forums and mailing lists are the best place for you to ask questions, discuss and exchange experiences. For example, these links would be beneficial: 1. KDE 2. Gnome 
10. Let Desperate Install Linux. After learning the Linux operating system is safe, reliable and affordable, what are you waiting? Let's begin to install, at least attempt to install themselves in your home. Installing your own Linux distro of your choice with all its uniqueness alone will make you more familiar with the work environment, the terms and sensation.

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