Saturday, October 1, 2011

Healthy Internet Software for Children

Parental software Software works to prevent parental child intentionally or accidentally open and view the various images that are not feasible on the internet. This software allows parents or caregivers to monitor children during online activities with a variety of surveillance methods. Another function of this software is to limit the amount / duration of time the child in using the Internet. Including for setting specific days and hours so the computer can or can not be used by children to online activity. Examples of parental software is K9 Web Protection. Browser software is the main intermediary between the Internet with a computer that is used.ParentalControlBar, in Can be run on the Windows family from Windows 98 to XP. Features: It has 2 modes, parental and child mode mode. Protected by a password for Parental Mode. Ease of blocking sites that do not want because we have the Safe and Block lists List. Tersedian Parenal Alert. Ease of installation and integrates with Internet Explorer or Firefox browser.

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