Friday, October 14, 2011

Complementary feeding

How nice to see the growth of the Heart Fruit. One of the note at the time of its development is ananda began to enter the stage when solid foods. (Complementary feeding) Long before the time came, the mother was busy looking for information ranging from what foods should be given as an introduction, the recipes are processed in order to be fulfilled balanced nutrition, cooking utensils to be used, and others. Topics solids in the mailing list. that talks about family and health has always been full of interesting topics and sharing. The results issued by the WHO as infant feeding guidelines emphasize the importance of: - Starting at the right time Baby solid foods are introduced at the age of 6 months. At this age your baby needs to grow flowers and berativitas can no longer be met by breast milk or formula milk. However, when at the age of 4-5 months increase baby's weight is less than it should then be started to be given solid foods at that age. - Sufficient for the needs of infants Solid foods should be rich in energy, protein and micronutrients, especially iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate. If the amount of solids is less then the baby's growth will be hampered. • Energy Foods that are a source of energy (staple food) are usually derived from cereals (rice, maize, sorghum), tubers (sweet potato, arrowroot, taro, cassava, potatoes) and starchy fruits (bananas). • Protein Good protein was introduced at the age of 6 months is a protein derived from plants (vegetable) eg green beans, soy beans, red beans. While animal protein such as chicken, beef, fish can be introduced at 7-8 months of age. • Micronutrients Mainly contained in vegetables and fruits leafy green or orange. - Safe, free from sources of disease Contain no chemicals or toxins and contain no bones or other hard materials that can cause choking. Then what's the solution so that the Mother can become a SUPER-MOM? Gasol Organic Flour Gasol Organic Farming Gasol is the name of a village located at the foot of Mount Gede in Cianjur, West Java, precisely in the District Cugenang. In these places, Gasol Organic Farming (GPO) to manage farming NATURAL (without using artificial chemicals, both for fertilizer and pestida) which is currently better known as ORGANIC. Yields of rice fields and gardens, created a wide range of processed FLOUR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOOD (no preservatives, no dyes and no added flavor) so as to produce FLOUR PURE. Various products that are known by the name FLOUR Gasol. Gasol flour is made from 100% natural raw materials selected, PURE AND MORE HEALTHIER. There are various options for the processed flour and varied to create a healthy variety of foods with balanced nutrition. Flour Gasol be the best alternative, providing food to ease the Mother can still provide seasoning "love for the beloved baby. There are various types: 1. Brown Rice Flour Flour Gasol 2. Fragrant Red Flour 3. Red Rice Flour 4. Mung Bean Flour 5. Soybean Flour 6. Flour Red Beans 7. Cornflour 8. Taro flour 9. Cassava Flour 10. Banana Flour 11. Arrowroot starch Wheat FAQ Gasol Why Gasol flour can be stored up to 1 year? To preserve food products can be in various ways and the most common is the dried, water level is lowered to the point that is not optimum for the growth of destructive organisms of food. Gasol has been roasted flour until the moisture content of 8%. Then packed in vacuum plastic. Furthermore, to maintain the shelf life after opening the packaging of products should be stored in a dry jar and sealed if necessary put in the fridge so as not exposed to the fungus. What is the difference Gasol with Porridge Wheat flour Other Commercial? • PURE Consists of one type of flour specified (100%) without any enhancement. • NON-INSTANT Should be cooked over a fire, can not be brewed with hot water. Why should be given a pure flour? The provision of a pure material for 2 consecutive days will make it easier to know which foods trigger allergies in infants. Since then the flour is pure Gasol has no taste / savor, whether such should be given extra flavor with salt or sugar? Infants up to age 6 months only know sense of milk. But avoid giving salt and sugar because it does not provide meaningful additional nutrients but will introduce a standard of good taste on the tongue. Giving salt to baby food will make the kidneys work harder to filter, while giving sugar to baby food or drink will cause damage to the teeth when the baby milk teeth grow. As penggugah tastes give broth or various seasonings that we usually wear like bay leaves, leeks, celery, garlic, cinnamon, etc.. What food are often triggers allergies? Foods that often trigger allergies are milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, wheat. But with the deteriorating quality of human life such as exposure to pollution, has now resulted in not only the baby to become allergic to foods mentioned above but any kind of food a possible cause of allergies. Therefore introduce only one type of food and give it for 2 consecutive days. Observe the reactions that occur there. Generally, an allergic reaction that appears is the red spots. How to cook flour Gasol? In general, cooking porridge flour is to add water to flour and then cooked over low heat for 10-15 minutes until cooked and thickened. Why Gasol Wheat flour porridge should be cooked while others just simply poured boiling hot water only? Gasol flour is made from raw materials that are not cooked first. Raw materials that are still not easy to digest. While the product Wheat Instant Porridge has been cooked first, drained, then mashed. Is giving Gasol Flour sufficient nutritional needs for growth and development of babies? Gasol flour with different variations each have different nutritional superiority. The addition of milk, either breast milk or formula will enrich the nutrients your baby solid foods. Especially coupled with the introduction of fruits and vegetables will provide additional fiber, vitamins and minerals. Particularly vitamin C (eg oranges, papaya) can help the absorption of iron in flour products are rich in iron (Fragrant Red Flour, Rice Flour Red, Banana Flour, Sorghum flour). How to introduce baby food according to age? Over the past 6 months the baby is getting milk intake of the type of liquid, therefore in introducing solid foods viscosity level and type of food that was introduced touching given and added gradually. Fruit puree • Age 6 months Semi-liquid type, frequency of 1-2 times per day Types of foods are suggested: - Cereals: Rice Flour - Vegetables: Pumpkin machetes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, green beans, zucchini - Fruits: Bananas, pears, apples, avocados, oranges, papaya. Types of food that has not be given: Animal protein such as meat, fish, shellfish milk and other dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.) MPASI Vegetables • Age 7-8 months Semi-solid type, frequency of 2 times per day Types of foods are suggested: - Cereals: Corn, Sorghum, barley - Vegetables: Asparagus, beans, carrots, spinach, broccoli, turnip cabbage - Fruits: Mango, peach, cantaloupe, cucumber suri - Side dish: Chicken, beef, tofu, tempeh Types of food that has not be given: Fish, shellfish milk and other dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.) • Age 9 months Solid type, frequency of 2 ~ 3 times per day Types of foods are suggested: - Vegetables: beans, peas - Fruit: Melon - Side dish: Fish, duck, egg yolks, cheese, butter How to determine how many times the baby should be fed in one day? The frequency of feeding depends on the age and activity. In infants who actively moving food should be given more often by a considerable amount of consideration for the baby's stomach is still relatively small. Tips on preparing Flour Porridge - Make sure the tools to prepare and cook baby food in a clean condition. We recommend using a separate tool / special. - Cooking preferably with aluminum pans, enamel, or better yet with stainless steel. Use a small diameter pot so that the slurry of flour does not burn fast. Flour Porridge Recipe Ingredients: Gasol 20 grams of flour + 200 ml water How to make: Cooking Flour Babies Mix the flour Gasol (approximately 1 tablespoon) + 200 ml water, stirred in room temperature conditions until all the starch dissolves when cooked so as not to clot. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until boiling and maturity matang.Tingkat perfectly with the old cook 10-15 minutes The result will be thick. To add taste and nutrition serve with: • Breast milk or formula • Breast milk or formula + fruit juice • Peel, wash and cut vegetables. Boil the water / broth to taste. Once cooked puree in blender. How to serve Take the flour porridge to taste, place in bowl to eat babies. Add milk or bottle-feeding depends on the desired viscosity of the slurry of flour adjusted to the age of the baby. Dilution can also use fruit juice / vegetable. Not recommended diluting with water alone because it will lead to satiety but does not provide additional nutrients. Most of the remaining flour in the pan can be used for thickening when starch slurry was less dense. Nutrient-rich solids We create a slurry of flour to the needs of one day. How, after it is cooked immediately to the slurry of flour in a container as needed and save the day at room temperature. If needed always take with a clean spoon and do not stir / dikocek. Flour slurry can hold up to 8 hours. If it is necessary to put into the refrigerator (not frozen) and warm with steamed at the way will be presented. Does Gasol Flour Porridge can be frozen? If Gasol Flour Porridge should be frozen before adding anything (milk / fruit / vegetables). Please freeze by using a container of ice cubes. Freezing flour porridge can change the texture, so less is recommended. Is Wheat Gasol already registered? Flour Gasol already registered in the District Health Office Cianjur and already get halal certification from the MUI in West Java as well as receive patents from the Department of Justice and Human Rights. EXPLANATION OF FLOUR Gasol along with the nutritional value FLOUR Gasol "RICE BROWN / RED WANGI / RED RICE" Gasol Red Rice Flour Rice flour is made from rice Gasol broke the skin (red or brown) is better for consumption than milled rice because it is superior in nutritional content. Apart from carbohydrate sources, rice is also a good protein. Rice broke the skin containing an average of 8% protein, while the milled rice contains 7%. Penyosohan process (eliminating the rice husk) will reduce to 72% mineral content. The main mineral elements on the skin is broken rice phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron (blood-forming components to help infants and toddlers avoid anemia). Penyosohan drastically reduce levels of vitamin B complex to 50% or more. Vitamin B serves to nourish nerve cells and the digestive system. Rice contains vitamin C and vitamin D in very small quantities or not at all. Skin broken rice also contain high fiber which can prevent constipation. Gasol Red Flour Fragrant Rice is the flagship of Organic Agriculture Gasol. In addition to superior in nutritional content as well as other red rice also has the advantage of scent. The aroma is very menggungah pandan taste. As solid foods are very popular baby powder. Red Rice Flour Gasol rich in minerals such as iron which is a blood-forming component. Another advantage is that selenium can increase endurance. Gasol Brown Rice Flour is made from rice Cianjur very tasty and fluffier. Wheat is the most secure because it is almost never reported to trigger allergies. Presenting suggestions Iron contained in red rice will easily absorbed by the body when consumed together with foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus, papaya. Mung Bean Flour Gasol FLOUR Gasol "GREEN BEANS" Nuts are the best alternative source of vegetable protein. Pureed green beans are nutrient dense traditional menu, so do not be surprised if often presented as one form of integrated health Food Supplement Program (PMT) for children under five. FLOUR Gasol "SOYA" Soybeans are a source of vegetable protein are the most popular in Indonesian cuisine. FLOUR Gasol "RED BEANS" Dry red beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce damage to blood vessels. Fat and sodium content of red beans possessed very low, almost fat free and cholesterol free. In addition, red beans are also a good source of fiber, which consists of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber water. Significantly soluble fiber can lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Gasol Banana Flour FLOUR Gasol "BANANA" Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Special iron, nearly all (100%) can be absorbed by the body, so the bananas are very good given as solid foods because it can prevent the baby exposed to iron deficiency anemia. Gasol MEAL "MAIZE" Corn is also used for staple foods. As food crops that contain health benefits, among other properties of corn as a builder of muscle and bone, good for the brain and nervous system, prevents constipation, lowers risk of heart cancer, prevent cavities, as well as the oil can lower blood cholesterol levels. FLOUR Gasol "taro" Taro is a plant that spreads almost all over the world. Taro processed in various forms in different countries vary greatly. Taro potato is similar to but more nutritious and are a source of tremendous energy in it. Taro contains: • Potassium • Karbohydrates • Vitamin C and E • Magnesium • Folate • B vitamins • Protein Talas is very easily digested and hypoallergenic. FLOUR Gasol "SWEET" Yams or sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) is a type of plant whose roots can be eaten. Sweet potatoes contain starch, sucrose, and cellulose. Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates are easily broken down so good to eat babies. Gasol "arrowroot (GARUT)" T Plants Garut anaman arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) gives the main results in the form of bulbs and have many uses, among others: • As an ornamental plant for its beautiful leaves • steamed or boiled tubers • Contains highly refined starch and arrowroot starch is easily digested so widely used as raw materials in industry, baby food and special food for the sick • As traditional medicine is efficacious cure eczema, diarrhea, lowered body temperature fever. • As kosmertika making materials, glue and alcoholic beverages • juice of tubers of arrowroot can be used as an antidote to bee venom, snake poison and cure wounds • arrowroot starch can be processed into traditional food such as chips, cendol, ongol-ongol, noodles, etc..

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