Friday, October 14, 2011

Be Suffering Makes Us Strong

Have you ever when you're excited to practice and feel comfortable as believers actually test and trials that come repeatedly. Without us knowing little hearts saying, 'O Allah, do not I'm trying to be an obedient servant, why did you even send a test and trials in life? Every day I pray, prayer and fasting this Ramadan holy month, why did you give the suffering in my life? The higher one's faith does not mean there is no more exams, trials and tribulations that occur even more severe test that God gave us. All it intended that we become strong. Strong faith will not fall by the test, trials and suffering even more cemented in our hearts that our lives are in power and the will of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. But if faith merely lips, a little examination will make it fell down and re-Kufr. 'Do ye think that ye would enter paradise while yet come to trial as well as those who passed away before you? They are overwritten by the havoc and misery, and shaken with various trials, so said the Apostle and those who believe with him, 'When Allah's help coming?' Remember the help of God's indeed very close. (Surah al-Baqarah: 214). Therefore God's servants to inflict suffering to prove whether your faith is really strong or merely lip service. Do you want to get the love of God in order to achieve the ultimate happiness? All that is not easy. We must live with this task. Every teardrop is precious and every affliction is power. This blessing is a mercy from God for those who believe. 'It is not a Muslim suffering from grief, sorrow, hardship, exhaustion, disease and disorders of the body piercing except that Allah forgives his sins. '(Narrated by Bukhari). So in fact you should be grateful if given the test, trials and tribulations. That marked God has chosen you to be strong, in order to guide and lead others towards the right path, the road is blessed by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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