Friday, October 14, 2011

Free Coffee Body of Cellulite and stretch marks

You crave the body without cellulite and wrinkles that result without reducing the value of your beauty? For that's worth listening to mengetahuai following review what should be on notice that your body free of cellulite and stretch marks. Now we need to know in advance whether it's cellulite and stretch marks, prior to treatment to prevention. Cellulite is a buildup of fat cells in the skin tissue to excess and cause uneven skin surface looks like an orange peel. While stretch marks are white or grater lines that often appear in the thighs, abdomen, arms, buttocks, calves, etc.. Cellulite problems experienced by overweight people, but also on slim women. Here are the causes of cellulite: Irregular diet could be one trigger cellulite. Intake of fat, salt and excess alcohol plus the lack of fiber will enrich the cellulite in the body. Lack of exercise, smoking, irregular lifestyle can cause cellulite tendency Usage of clothes that are too tight, also the use of heeled shoes that are too high for more than 6 hours per day turned out to increase your chances of getting cellulite. Stress also contribute to the problem of cellulite in women. Some ways to fight cellulite: · For those of you who are overweight, as this is the time for you to reduce your weight · Sport is very important for toning the body and improve your posture. Choose the type of exercise that are effective against cellulite, especially the thigh, abdomen, arm. Exercise can help, among others, gymnastics, aerobics, cycling, running and swimming can also be a variation in physical exercise you. • Adjust your diet, and eat nutritious foods, avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fat. · Body treatments, massages and diligent among which anti-cellulite cream, can generally be in the trust can destroy the fat and tightens skin and smooths the skin sehigga not become dry. Stretch marks appear due to stretching of the outer skin or epidermis rapidly that exceed the tolerance level that makes the skin tissue is damaged, it will cause white lines are caused by excessive production of connective tissue. Usually this problem will arise in women who are in a period of growth or increase and decrease in body weight drastically. Ways of coping with stretch marks: 1. Exercise regularly, this can increase the elasticity of your body so that skin remains elastic in the event of a stretch. 2. For those of you who is pregnant, apply olive oil in the trust can increase skin firmness and elasticity. 3. If you are on a diet, you should decline to do with your weight gradually to avoid stretch marks. 4. Apply a healthy diet to prevent cellulite and drink lots of water. 5. Apply a moisturizing cream and anti-stretch marks cream to the skin's water balance is maintained 6. Do scrub or massage and body scrub body parts in the annunciator to the onset of stretch marks, on a regular basis. These activities greatly increase the smoothness of the blood circulation so that the fading white lines. Foods that support the prevention stretcmark and cellulite: · Avocado This fruit is on the annunciator has a high content of calories and contains essential fatty acids that are good for skin health. Contains vitamin E and beta sitosterol, fiber which helps to overcome the excess cholesterol. · Bananas Can cope with the excess fluid in the body. · Omega 3 Can increase blood circulation sehigga fat, water, toxins can be transported to the maximum and reduce cellulite. Omega 3 can in the can of salmon, tuna, or sardines. · Watermelon This fruit contains lycopene (antioxidant), potassium is useful facilitate digestion. · Onion and garlic These herbs usually a seasoning in every dish, the ingredients include sulfur which will help to overcome the adverse effects of exposure to free radicals and contain vitamins C and E. · Cereals Cereals containing oats have oxidants and fiber in it is great for burning body fat. You can also do this treatment at home: 1. Prepare the coffee powder and apply on the body of berselulit. 2. Massage and rub by hand on the body part that has been applied berselulit with coffee grounds, for 5 minutes. 3. Perform berseulit detoxification in the area by wrapping it with a special plastic (elastic and usually used to cover food), let stand for 15 minutes. 4. Clean the rest of the remaining coffee powder, and rinse with a wet towel to cause itching and sticky on the skin. 5. Do this at home cellulite treatment for 2X a week for maximum results * Materials that can be used is finely ground coffee made from coffee beans on the ground, why coffee? Because caffeine is contained in it is a powerful natural ingredients in defeating cellulite. Good luck and avoid cellulite are often worried about you. _ (Sparrow) _

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