Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Timeline on how to enable Facebook profile FB

Info Technology has informed yesterday to the presence Facebook Timeline (view new Facebook profile page) which tells the life of a person (at least online), and will be released a few weeks ahead. The author has been able to transform profilenya into the new profile look for from the beginning has been selected as a beta tester (never make applications on FB). And fortunately for the readers of Info Technology can also directly activate the feature without waiting for Facebook Timeline publicly released. Facebook Facebook Timeline is the latest innovation announced this month at the F8 developer conference, in San Francisco. With the timeline view our Facebook profiles will be much different, more personal because this medium to introduce to the world who we are and it seems no longer need to juggle or experience hack Facebook profile. Most of the writers on these sites are generally technology has changed the look of their profile to the timeline, Log into Facebook, then go into https://developers.facebook.com/apps, when first-time entry and have never made ​​your application will be presented the screen requests for application access permissions. Create a new application by clicking Create New App, for the application name and anything else you can fill it arbitrarily. Then click Open Graph menu on the left (Fig. a), and create actions that will be performed by the application (Figure b). For example drawn filled columns one read - two columns filled article and then click Get started / Start. (When an error occurs, ignore it) Then click the menu next to Open Graph kirilalu for action to be performed by the application (. For example drawn filled columns one read - two columns filled article and then click Get started / Start. (When an error occurs, ignore it) Open the main page of Facebook, it will display an invitation to become a beta tester "Facebook Timeline" (B. Indonesia: Introducing Chronology - Profile of New Type). Select Use Now or Get It Now to start using Facebook Timeline. When all the steps above work you do, then you will see a new profile, after which you have to do is change the cover profile, making it a regular, or up to you. (Thanks to TechCrunch) - Note: Click on the image to see original size image

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