Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Maintain Eye Health Work at Home Monitors

Computers and other equipment, such as monitors, have become common in every office work. It is not strange if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day. At first we might be a little worried about the impact of computers and monitors radiation emitted light can disrupt the body's health, especially the eyes. However, experts did not ever give up equipment to create an increasingly friendly to the environment and health.Work in a fairly light room. Consider the lighting in your workspace. Do not work in a room that is too bright and blinding. Avoid staring at the light directly. Conversely, do not also work in a room that is too dark or dim -Use filters monitor. To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor Put the paper work to be easily read. If you have to work with a copy or read the paper, then place the paperwork is in balance with the distance of your monitor. This is so that you do not need to go back and forth to focus the view to read your paper work, after reading on the screen. Note the position of the monitor. Place the monitor screen in such a way as to form an angle of 10-15 degrees from the straight line with your views. Rest your eyes. Relax your eyes. Close or kerjap-kerjapkan. Do kucek-kucek your eyes. However, frequently flashing. It can reduce tension and keep your eyes stay moist and cool Check your glasses or contact lenses. If you use glasses or contact lenses and you have to work all day in front of the monitor, it is better to consult your eye doctor or optical so you can get glasses that fit. Both, the size of the lens and frame. Use adjustable chairs and senderan high-low back. In addition, also use a table mat or a stable job and is not easily shaken.

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