Friday, October 14, 2011

fish kakap

MENU unique based snapper is often encountered in a number of great restaurants to street vendors stalls. But who would have thought, if the menu has a wide variety of dishes. Cuisine which retains its authenticity with seasoning spray frontier in Pondok Head Kakap 354 in Jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro and at Rumble Road Food Centre Menoreh Kingdom 49, the owner of the tongue ensures visitors will not be bored to visit. Good for lunch or breakfast with a relation or close friend. "For flavor, we use fresh ingredients, be it chili, onions and others. Mix it was we were using a pestle and mortar, so the original flavor was distinctive flavor. In addition to more subtle, traditional way we did in the seasoning mix, able to create a taste different, "said Arif Subhan (39), owner of Cottage Head Kakap. To process the sauce that really makes the tongue rocked it took two hours. Young cassava leaves for fresh vegetables, and he always chose the snapper are still fresh culinary selected in the opening of business on Jl Ki Mangunsarkoro which has been running two years while on Jl Raya Menoreh 49 for three years. "On average, per day we spend 50 to 70 tail snapper. To be able to enjoy classic cuisine with spices from Padang, only Rp 8,500 per share of it," said Arif who deliberately target students and civil servants (PNS), which close to his place of business which is right in front of the Department of Manpower and Transmigration (Manpower) of Semarang. Pamper Consumers In fact, to pamper consumers, Arif who has experience as a chef at a hotel in the city of Semarang, the Kakap head curry sauce was made not too thick. According to Arif, snapper in addition to containing high DHA is also able to increase stamina after a meal. "Many couples are newly married, pregnant women, who become our customers. Civil servants in government offices also frequently order food from us," said the father of two children. Kakap Chief Guest Cottage, Educate (43) Road resident who is also a consultant Cerme finance company said that since the place opened culinary first time, he felt fit and cut themselves as regulars. "Kakapnya is different, we also could choose to spicy or not. If I do not like spicy taste. Then, marinade steady, unlike in other places that also serve the snapper," he said. Similar expressions are also presented Riris (39). Residents Meteseh, Tembalang was admitted, as a hobbyist spicy foods, hunting snapper culinary cuisine in the city of Semarang stopped at Pondok Head Kakap after his tongue feel very fit. "Appetite snapper here can be added, even three times a week I can come here," said the veiled mother who has two children.

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