Friday, October 7, 2011

Benefits of Yoga for Sexual Life

Benefits of Yoga for Sexual Life Yoga was also useful for the treatment of various diseases, weight loss, mental health, increase positive mood, and even improve their sex lives men and women. A study proved that women who experience dissatisfaction in their sexual relationships and practice the techniques from the east, reported experiencing improvements in desire and orgasm. For men, yoga effectively to cope with premature ejaculation. According to Drs. Rajesh Nair, a consultant's largest online ayurvedic store in the world,, when the mind and body are not in optimal conditions, that's when sexual problems arise. Yoga as a system combining postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Stay relaxed, he is one of a variety of important preconditions necessary for a harmonious sex life. Components "lock" of yoga is awareness. This awareness is to train ourselves to be absorbed, or the focus to what we are doing today. During sex, women generally mind drifting to other matters, mixed emotions, some are even the desire to quickly resolve the "battle". When the focus to succeed in a sexual relationship, we will be able to deliver himself to the satisfaction of the peak. The benefits of yoga for women include: Increase your confidence with clear my mind, and focus on breathing helps you be more alert to yourself. Reduce pain, usually for the love of exercise, because the sense of tension in the hips and thighs, making us less comfortable having sex. A branch of yoga, Kundalini Yoga, deals with the use of sexual power. Emotional relationships may be more pronounced, and you and your partner will likely enjoy sexual relations. Yoga asanas can be done when you are in office. Please sit down or stand up, stretch the muscles between the pubic bone and tail bone, and release. Push ups, or lifting both feet to the wall in the style of yoga also helps bring awareness to the breath, and focus on it for several minutes. This position allows more ksigen in the blood that flowed from the lower body to the heart and brain. Whereas for men, sexual problems experienced include loss of desire, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and impotence. 

By practicing yoga, the benefits that can be taken: 
1. For premature ejaculation, yoga breathing exercise, equipped with a meditation. Focus on breathing, and feel the temperature caused. 
2. Yoga also trains make a balanced lifestyle, such as reducing excess spices and goat meat or chicken in your diet. Yoga also can reduce smoking and alcohol which can damage the nervous system. 
3. Breathing techniques called Pranayama, can improve self-confidence to clear your mind and focus on breathing. Positions that are used will help drain the oxygen in the blood, from the lower body to the heart and brain, so that couples become more energized and focused. More feksibel These benefits are most directly felt. Maybe in the beginning of your training has not been able to touch my toes while doing backbend movement. However, if you keep practicing, the body slowly began to feel more flexible and you can finally touch the big toe. You also will find pain and stiffness is lost. 
3. Stronger Strong muscles make you look more attractive. Muscles also keep our bodies from diseases such as arthritis and back pain as well as easy to fall in the elderly. Build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility. 
4. Improve posture You know, our heads like bowling balls are big and heavy? Need a balance to the spine and back muscles to support it. Not impossible if you feel tired. The problem is in a bad posture. Yoga can improve posture and prevent pain, fatigue, and arthritis as well because of poor posture. 
5. Protect joints from rheumatism and arthritis Each time doing yoga, you train your joints move in full range. This means that you prevent degenerative arthritis by "squeezing and soaking" areas of cartilage that is rarely used. Cartilage as a sponge that absorbs nutrients only when fluid is removed. Without latthan, the network that will rot and leave the bones without pads. 
6. Protect the spine Segments of the spine as the rear shock absorber between bones also need to be trained. If diligent practice backbend, forward bend, and twist, you keep your joints become more flexible spine. 
7. Preventing osteoporosis There have been many studies have shown that weight training strengthens bones and osteoporosis dispel. Many yoga postures require you to lift your own body weight. Pose downward or upward facing dog helps to strengthen the arm bones that are vulnerable taxable osteoporosis. Yoga is also good increases spine density.

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