Postpartum care package that we provide to you is as follows:
To help launch ation and stimulate the emergence of the hormone prolactin (a hormone which affects milk production). But it would be more successful programs exclusive ation as early as possible if your baby is introduced and taught menghisab nipple. (Do not introduced with the first milk bottle)
4. Srcub or Body Scrub (Product Dian Mustika (Dian Bodycare TM), Mustika queen, Sari Ayu Dwi Sri Spa, Bali Shop)
5. Steam Spices (Products Dian Mustika (Dian Bodycare TM)
During pregnancy usually occur buildup of excess water in our bodies. Evaporation using rempah2 useful to open pori2 skin, blood flow and oxygen exchange in all body tissues and to remove the smell of sweat berkasiat. For those who give birth OPERATION CAESAR, the steam is done after the plaster was opened, and for the normal for the stitches have not fully recovered diuap not recommended, you should consult first with Dian Mustika.
During pregnancy usually occur buildup of excess water in our bodies. Evaporation using rempah2 useful to open pori2 skin, blood flow and oxygen exchange in all body tissues and to remove the smell of sweat berkasiat. For those who give birth OPERATION CAESAR, the steam is done after the plaster was opened, and for the normal for the stitches have not fully recovered diuap not recommended, you should consult first with Dian Mustika.
6. Spices bath or Lap (Product Dian Mustika (Dian Bodycare TM)
Useful herb bath to warm the body and lifting massage oils used, because artificial Dian Mustika herbs contain substances that can warm the body and lift the oil. Among others, Ginger, Powder, Lemon, Cinnamon and others. For those not healthy enough should not bathe in the lap alone. As for patients who were born in OPERATION CAESAR, bathing is allowed after the plaster in the open or at least 2 weeks after surgery.
Useful herb bath to warm the body and lifting massage oils used, because artificial Dian Mustika herbs contain substances that can warm the body and lift the oil. Among others, Ginger, Powder, Lemon, Cinnamon and others. For those not healthy enough should not bathe in the lap alone. As for patients who were born in OPERATION CAESAR, bathing is allowed after the plaster in the open or at least 2 weeks after surgery.
Use Tapel / Slimming (Product Dian Mustika (Dian Bodycare TM)
Tapel and slimming used to help warm up the outside of the abdomen before the tide octopus and bengkung. So if the stomach was warm expenditure dirty blood will be helpful even without the massage, because of heating from the outside. But for skin allergies is not recommended to use this.
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