Thursday, September 29, 2011

A good way to talk

Do not speak the mind, let your heart speak. That is, do not dwell on the subject that was delivered and set direction. Master the gaze of the audience. When talking, do not look at just one point. Let your eyes roam everywhere to determine the intensity of audience interest. If you catch the signal-to-bete-an from the audience, you can emphasize your views on him. Use a dynamic voice intonation The sound is flat and does not make the audience's rhythmic become bored and want to sleep. High voice and create deafening audience becomes impaired auditory nerve. Body language helps the audience catch the audience's intent talks It is undeniable that when heard, people far more use of his eyes than ears Expand knowledge If most people think that to be the MC (Master of Ceremonies), one need only pandas speaking, most people are wrong. That is, a good speaker should have a broad knowledge of speech sounds so interesting. Hence, first expand the horizons before speaking. Do not cross your legs and your hands You've probably heard that cross your arms or legs can indicate that you are closed to you and this person does not create a good relationship conversation. Make eye contact, but not at him. By making eye contact on the other person talk you can make the relationship better and you can see if they're listening to you or not. But also not looking at him (continuous), because it will make the other person you become restless. Keep your head straight. Do not look down when you talk to someone. You will look like are not comfortable talking to your listener and also looks like someone who does not believe in themselves.

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